Sex of cochin EE cross, about 12 weeks old?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 11, 2013

Not the best picture (sorry), but I am wondering about the black in the center?? Also, do we think the light gray in back is a hen?
The black bird looks to be a rooster-man. The grey is too far away to accurately guess. Can you get a better pic?
Will try later today when home again.. Darnit! Are you guessing this cause of the color of his comb, or do you see some feathering that indicates male?
Will try later today when home again.. Darnit! Are you guessing this cause of the color of his comb, or do you see some feathering that indicates male?
It's the comb. The feathering - it's too early to accurately sex based on feathering on a solid coloured chicken at 10 weeks. They don't start to get their 'boy' feathers until week 12, and even then you don't see total boy feathers until week 16-20.

Found this picture of the gray

on my phone- it was taken about a couple weeks ago, so the bird is maybe around 10 weeks old?

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