Sexing 4 Month-Old Dominique and Ameraucana


7 Years
Aug 8, 2012
Hello all! I am a long-time reader, first-time poster, and a chicken n00b.

So after reading thread-after-thread here about the subject, sexing chickens seems to me to be more of an art than a science! (unless one is able to witness an egg literally emerging from a vent)

We have four chickens, all 4 months old, and I am rapidly understanding the logic of having multiple chickens of the same breed (it'd likely be easier to tell the difference between sexes).

Two of our four "pullets" - an Ameraucana & a Dominique are starting to look a bit suspect to me, though at roughly 16 weeks, none of them are actually crowing or laying yet.

It would be a huge help to us if someone could help us sex these two for sure, and also explain how they reached the conclusion.


Below, the huge Dominique holds its tail downward most all the time.

I feel pretty sure this Ameraucana is a dude, based on its pointy feathers and colorful, draping tail.

the ee is a roo for its color and saddle feathers, the dom looks roo because in the first pic I see a tail feather that curves down like a small sickle feather that roosters get along the main tail feathers
i'd say both males also, the ameraucana has an irridescent tale, and has the pointy hackle feathers, and also has a huge comb and wattle, and they are very red.
Both males.

They have feathers only a rooster has.


The saddle, sickle and hackle feathers are pointy on your birds.

The combs are way too red/big for pullets at that age. The Dom is light and has bright yellow legs, which is characteristic of barred males. The EE has red blotches on his wings, also colours that only roosters have.
Thank you all for such helpful replies! I have been pretty positive about the EE for a few weeks now, but only JUST started suspecting the Dom. It's pretty disappointing to lose half our brood to incorrect sexing... :(

Teach1rusl, Mr Dorothy (our EE roo) has always been a bit skittish and aloof, but is otherwise pretty amicable. He is such a handsome fellow, and I hate to get rid of either of them, but we have neighbors...
Teach1rusl, Mr Dorothy (our EE roo) has always been a bit skittish and aloof, but is otherwise pretty amicable. He is such a handsome fellow, and I hate to get rid of either of them, but we have neighbors...

That's a shame you'll have to get rid of them. I hate to see a gorgeous roo like that (especially if he's well behaved) potentially end up in a stew pot... I hope you can find a farm or pet home for him.

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