Sexing Barred Rocks

Ok, these two were born 5/4 so 5-6 weeks old.




what say you?
Alright, there are a lot of poeple here who may be able to help... Please check out pics & tell me if you think we have any hens... My guess is about 6 or 7 out of 10 if we're lucky -and probably 4 out of 10 worst case? Also, could the black ones be plymouth rock as well? - the homesteaders that sold them to us yesterday because his leghorns were not playing nice said they were all sold to him as barred rock day old (he couldn't remember if they were bought as straight run or pullets)
Four of the barred Rocks are cockerels. One of the black ones is a cockerel. Check the bottoms of the feet of the black birds. If they have yellow skin, they are Jersey Giants. If they are white, they are Australorps.

Ok now that I can finally post photos. here are my two barred rock. 1 month old. The one in the front is more white on black, and the one in the back is more black on white. So am I looking at Ricky & Lucy or are it Lucy & Ethel. I am guessing Lucy & Ricky. so which is which????

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