Sexing chickens


10 Years
Aug 12, 2009
In the Shadow of a Mountain MA
I have been reading with great interest these threads where y'all are able to figure out who is a boy/girl. I have a few questions. I have a bunch of mutt chickens
as I had a RIR cross roo and silkie and cochin hens. Well, we have babies that are a mix of those! I know one is a silkie as it has 5 toes, but its head 'bump' is turning reddish. Would that indicate roo? They are six weeks old. My other chicks all have red combs, and I have one other possible silkie mix whose 'bump' is also turning red. Please tell me that doesn't mean they are all boys!
Ridgerunner, are the clues to gender specific for each breed or what? Many on BYC are helpful in determining which is a pullet or cockerel and I always wonder what they are looking at to make their determination.
For me, the clues can be different by breed. Some are a lot easier than others. Red combs early, wattles, long tail feathers, pointy saddle feathers, heavy legs, maybe just general body configuration. These are mostly clues, not 100% sure things by themselves. Some roosters can have short tail feathers. Some pullets can develop wattles early, but they are generally pink, not red. It is not an exact science. And sometimes the clues conflict.
I did post some pics...but let me go find them...
I would love to learn how to do this myself too
I am so envious of all you who can! I am going to a swap next weekend with some BYC peopel there so maybe I can get some hands-on lessons
I am bringing the chicks with me as I need to rehome the males and maybe get some new females. In the mean time though, I would love to be able to tell what's what, lol!
OK< here are the pics...not great but its mostly the heads. I did have a few people respond but I think I am concerned that they are all boys as they ALL have red combs at 6 weeks and 2 are silkie crosses
I really hoped to keep at least a few as these are the first babies one of MY babies hatched out. These are all mutts btw...RIR dad and either cocin, silkie or EE moms.

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