Sexing chicks

Looks like all egg you should be able to see or notice a roosters spike after the first week or two....
Are you referring to spurs? Because all chicks have spur bumps but roosters don't grow there spurs till they are much older, by that time you will be able to tell what gender it is by comb/wattles/tail feathering.
Both male and female chicks have spur buds. Some roosters never develop spurs. And some hens will grow spurs. It's not an accurate gender indicator. Also spurs don't even begin to develop until after about six months of age.

My featherless tail chick that I think is going to be a rooster (because all of the chicks already have feathered tails) is starting to get his tail feathers now. He also has a blue wing tag.
Some of my chicks at four weeks.... I take them outside when it is nice...

They sure are funny looking at this stage of their lives...
I must be lucky, for now. Which wing feathers are you using? I look at the secondary feathers. I don't use length I look at the over all shape. Yes I know the chickens in my photos are older but I've used on chicks that only have wing feathers in and it works just the same.
Pullets' secondary feathers group together leaving a gap between the primary and secondaries.
Roosters' secondaries will spread out not leaving a gap between primaries and secondaries.
Can I get a little bit more of a description? I don't know what I am looking for and I don't know how to make them hold still for a photo.

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