Sexing chicks


In the Brooder
May 13, 2015
Is it possible to sex the chicks by visual clues? How do you all do it? Right now I seem to be using the wait and see method.
Unless they're sex-linked (certain breeds you can tell by color if you know the parents of the chicks) the only way to tell is at birth by vent sexing, which is a profession of it's own (do not try at home). Other than that it's a waiting game to see how their combs and feathers develop - again, depending on breed, you won't really know for sure until around 4-5 weeks (and they can still surprise you...). You can always post pics too when they're about that age, it helps to have a second set of eyes...or third...or fourth! :)
Unless they're sex-linked (certain breeds you can tell by color if you know the parents of the chicks) the only way to tell is at birth by vent sexing, which is a profession of it's own (do not try at home). Other than that it's a waiting game to see how their combs and feathers develop - again, depending on breed, you won't really know for sure until around 4-5 weeks (and they can still surprise you...). You can always post pics too when they're about that age, it helps to have a second set of eyes...or third...or fourth! :)

All but one of our chickens are sex link/Americauna mix I believe. They were given to us by a friend of my husband who was getting out of raising and keeping chickens. We have purchased one Rhode Island Red hen. So I guess I will be sticking with the waiting game. I have a single hatch chick that is almost 4 weeks. And a few new hatches that are only 3 days old. I really want to keep them all but I am worried about keeping multiple roosters in the single coop
All but one of our chickens are sex link/Americauna mix I believe. They were given to us by a friend of my husband who was getting out of raising and keeping chickens. We have purchased one Rhode Island Red hen. So I guess I will be sticking with the waiting game. I have a single hatch chick that is almost 4 weeks. And a few new hatches that are only 3 days old. I really want to keep them all but I am worried about keeping multiple roosters in the single coop
I can usually tell with maybe 75% accuracy at 5-6 weeks because of the combs. Male chicks will get a larger, redder comb earlier than hens. It will stand taller than the other chicks. But like thecrumbler said, they can still surprise you at times! I can look through my photos and see if I can find some if you would like.
You can tell when their hackle ( neck) feathers come in. If they are pointed at the ends, it is a cockerel.
If they are rounded at the ends, it is a pullet.
I can usually tell with maybe 75% accuracy at 5-6 weeks because of the combs. Male chicks will get a larger, redder comb earlier than hens. It will stand taller than the other chicks. But like thecrumbler said, they can still surprise you at times! I can look through my photos and see if I can find some if you would like.
You can tell when their hackle ( neck) feathers come in. If they are pointed at the ends, it is a cockerel.
If they are rounded at the ends, it is a pullet.

Thanks so much! That would be great.

I'm hoping they are all hens. I was told they would have an extra talon higher up the legs. Is that true. They are now 6-7 weeks old
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I'm hoping they are all hens. I was told they would have an extra talon higher up the legs. Is that true. They are now 6-7 weeks old

If I were a betting person I would say these are hens. I can usually tell once they are older. But as chicks I am clueless. My granddad was the best at guessing. He had a sixth sense I think lol

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