Sexing Ducklings (Please check here first :D )


Do these look like girls?
Quote: Well one of them we thought was quacking but has since become more quiet, the mix we are pretty sure is a female because it keeps making a loud honking sound all the time. The others are more quiet but I suspect my WH and the Pekin are drakes, no real proof yet, just a feeling.
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Have you tried vent sexing them? This is a method I just learned about about, I have a book on it that was quite helpful
Can you vent sex a 3 week old duckling? It's been said it's very hard to vent sex with anything older than a couple of days
I haven't been able to really distinguish who is making what sound but I thought that i have heard both male and female sounds. I just was wondering if there are some breeds that don't have curls on the male tail feathers.
I haven't been able to really distinguish who is making what sound but I thought that i have heard both male and female sounds. I just was wondering if there are some breeds that don't have curls on the male tail feathers.
They all get tail curls sans Muscovies, but sometimes they can get pulled out. My boys got their tail curls between 16-20 weeks so I bet yours should be getting them soon they are just a bit young.
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