sexing juvenile Muscovies ***PICS ADDED***

Kenneth Flippen

10 Years
Jan 3, 2010
At what age is it safe to sex Muscovies? I'll try to post some pics later the ones we picked out definitely looked more henish(if that's a word LOL) than the others but still not sure either way I like then all







Any info on colors would be helpful also in the last pic the duck in the background what's its color if there's enough to tell I didn't realize I didn't get a pic of that one
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The easiest way I have found to sex the little ones is to look at the wings. Males will have almost no feathers on their wings at the same age the girls will have very good wing feather development. Some people go by the legs, however I have found that's not always correct. The wings seem to be spot on.
What age is considered juvi's? I would love for someone to go into my photobucket album and pick me out a couple nice females in my 8 week olds.
you can't do it from the photos you have. You have to see the ducks wings.. that means picking them up and actually looking at the wing its self.
Ok, well that won't be easy. Their mother is very protective too. She will be after me in a heartbeat even though they are bigger.
iajewel is right. From my limited experience with my three muscovies the boy had wing stublets at about 1 to 1.5months and the girls had wings. My boy's feet were huge in comparison too but I don't have a good photo of that.

the silver pied in the front is the boy

The breeder said 2-7 months they are fully feathered but the Res on their heads is not complete yet still have feathers around their eyes but its starting to come in
They change and change color for about a year. I have gone out in my pen and had to look twice because I didn't know where a bird had come from and then realized just WHAT duck that was. So... they change.. legs are something yes, however not always acurate. I either vent sex or look at wings.

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