Sexing Rouen ducks by bill color???

Only thing I can go by is the white ring on there neck for the males when they are young like 5-6wks. Although I have started to notice even as babys the males have a break on there neck in the black down going down the back of there neck and have been waiting to see if I can accurately sex with that. So far it has been working but want to see more proof before I will just go by that.
My Rouen is 6wks old as of Thursday...this is the baby at approx 2 wks


I was hoping to sex as a girl but the beak is noticeably lighter/yellow at 6wks old, also due to the voice change and I saw a tinge of green as the sun shone on HIM yesterday.
So far my experiance has been that bill color is a pretty good determiner of sex when the first real feathers come in about 6 to 9 weeks, generally all the ducks get female colored feathers first, then at about 4 months the males get thier color in. I had 6 rouens last year, and currently have 3 of thier babies that are all about 10 weeks. It seams that all would be female by thier beak color.... but one might be a boy juding by it's behavior and voice change (but it is also a week older too)
I noticed a white ring on my drakes neck first, and then the billturned green along with some green on the head! They are about 2 months now.
I have two rouens I'm not sure what they are yet they both have dark bills hope I lucked up and got one of each
Hello. Just curious. I've been seeing a lot of bill color advice on BYC. We purchased these at Rural King on May 1st. Not sure how old they were. Can anyone give me a guesstimate of age now based on that info and current feather state. Also, are you able to guesstimate sex at all based on bill? I'm having a hard time decifering each individual voice. Thanks for any help! ;-)

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