Sexing Silver laced Wyandotte


Apr 13, 2015
Georgia, USA
Need some help sexing this chick. A little background info on her/him...I received the chick from a friend who asked me to try to save it at 2wks of age. Chick had a bad case of coccidosis. Luckily I was able to save it :) She/he is now 8 weeks old, feathering took quite a bit longer to start coming in (I'm guessing because of the coccidosis) and it seems to have stunted it's growth as well (chicks that are pictured with her/him are approx 5-6wks old...easter eggers). So now the question is girl or boy????





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It looks like a female to me. You could try vent sexing to confirm (press on sides of vent to expose sex organs. Females have a rosette, males have a corkscrew-like organ). I would highly suggest getting a coccidiosis vaccination.

Not sure what you mean by background info... Like history and facts on the breed?

Wyandottes are in the American class. Silver-Laced Wyandottes are the foundation "parent" breed of the Wyandottes. Silver-Laced were admitted to the Standard in 1883. The exact origin is unknown, but is suspected as a cross between a Spangled Hamburg and a Dark Brahma. They are medium weight, dual-purpose fowl used for eggs and meat. The egg color can range from very light to rich brown, depending on the strain, individual, and stage of production. Possess a rose comb. Standard weights of a cock is 8.5 lbs., hen is 6.5 lbs. Lay about 4 eggs per week. Docile and broody. They are generally easygoing with a tendancy toward domination.

Hope that that is what you meant! Good luck with your chicks!
Does comb colour have anything to do with the birds sex at this age (7weeks) ? I noticed Nanook's Wyandotte is much redder than my one
Need some help sexing this chick. A little background info on her/him...I received the chick from a friend who asked me to try to save it at 2wks of age. Chick had a bad case of coccidosis. Luckily I was able to save it
She/he is now 8 weeks old, feathering took quite a bit longer to start coming in (I'm guessing because of the coccidosis) and it seems to have stunted it's growth as well (chicks that are pictured with her/him are approx 5-6wks old...easter eggers). So now the question is girl or boy????

I'm thinking cockerel on this one.
What do you think this one is please also no idea?

This one looks more like a pullet.
I've heard/read in post, that SLW and other wyandottes combs can turn red earlier than other breeds. Anybody else hear of this? I'm new to the world of chickens so this is a learning experience for me :)

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