Sexing this 12 week old GORGEOUS Polish?


6 Years
Apr 6, 2015
Portland, Oregon
So...this little one is SO SWEET and cute as a button, and can barely see so spooks itself constantly causing giggles from us all.

I'm pretty sure that it's a cockerel based on it's somewhat spiky hairdo, myself, though I haven't seen any hackles/sickle/tail feathers and the wattles/comb are still cream/peach colored. Actually, maybe the little solid black feather in its tail is a sickle's a bit of a "floppy" bird...never seen it straight up and walking--kind of flutters about all day...and has a large wingspan.

What do you think? I'll keep him as long as I can because he's hysterical. :)

I have no idea but he is gorgeous!! Youre so lucky. I've always wanted polish chickens!

HAHA he/she is! I wish I could video the antics of this one. So hysterical. And friendly. Walks right up to your lap!

After all I've read on here about polish, it seems to be a boy. Perhaps I'm wrong. I wish I could buy Polish pullets and avoid the chick phase/guesswork completely!
You can probably find some on craigslist or something. I'd just be worried that they wouldn't be as friendly if they weren't raised to be.
I just checked on MPC and you can buy sexed polish chicks. I'm not sure if they offer them in started pullets but I do know that they do have some of those available so they might.
Like you say, from what I've read about sexing Polish, that messy 'do belongs to a cockerel. The body feathering also looks cockerel-ish to me.

McMurray hatchery offers sexed Polish pullets in five different colors, including gold laced like this guy. Might be worth looking into.... :)
Like you say, from what I've read about sexing Polish, that messy 'do belongs to a cockerel. The body feathering also looks cockerel-ish to me.

McMurray hatchery offers sexed Polish pullets in five different colors, including gold laced like this guy. Might be worth looking into....

Oh I love these tips. I thought they were impossible to sex though, so I was confused.

I'm still going to cross my fingers that this one is somehow a pullet. It's my partner's favorite. ;)

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