Sexing your Silkies (PICTURES AND TIPS - Updated July-5-12)

Found out two of my flock are boys and I want to find out about the silkie. Dusty is a special needs chicken and won't be going anywhere even if it's a boy, but would like to know. The bantam Ameracauna (Cinder) is Dusty's therapy animal!

What color is Dusty? Is that what calico looks like? What is wrong with your special needs chicken? I have a special needs goose.

I don't know how common it is but my 4 week old buff (valuted skull) is already showing red in the comb.
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Do you mind stating those breeds? I have a really bossy head hen and have never seen her do the wing cutting. I will note in the thread that some game breeds can do this, but have never heard, nor seen it happen.

What is wing cutting?

My poodle is now TERRIFIED of the chickens. I have to keep her away from them. I don't want her to attack them out of fear. There was never any issues before this pullet pecked her. She got the dog pretty good too. I don't see many posts about dog attacked by chicken. Only vice versa.
All of my muscovy ducks and geese are afraid of my silkie roo. He is much more aggressive to the animals than i thought a silkie would be. He is a sweet heart to humans.

Black or Blue-
Pullet or Roo-
Makes no difference to me
I started with two,
and now it's a zoo
My hubby said, "Lord, HELP me"
Did you end up breeding and selling your silkies? I live in Daytona. I love your poem, It sounds like my house. I would love to see a pic of your blue silkie.

Any ideas? I know they are not great pictures I can't seem to get them to hold still.
They are three months. I want to say the splash and white one are roos but I don't know.

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