SF Bay Area: FREE 25-week-old RIR pullet (with a caveat)


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 7, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area
Meet Minnie (the Mooch):


(Picture taken at 7 weeks; she's now 25 weeks old.)

We're looking to find Minnie a new home. She's a happy and healthy Rhode Island Red, and she lays a massive brown egg pretty much every day. However, there are a few reasons we can't keep her:

1) She's been cracking or eating her own eggs (no one else's, as far as I know), and we don't have a roll-away nest.

2) One of the other birds in our flock has been starting fights with her, and they don't seem to be getting over it.

3) She's a little loud -- our coop is right below a neighbor's window and I think it's more than they can take. (Certainly not rooster-level loud, just bawking more than the others.)

Do you have a coop with a roll-away nest, or some other situation where Minnie would fit in better than she has for us? We hate giving her up but it seems like the best idea for now.

Also, I bought some roll-away nest inserts and liners from McMurray Hatchery, but I haven't had time to build up a nest. If you want a few of the inserts to build your own roll-away, I'd be happy to throw some in.

Free to a good home. Send me a direct message or reply here if you're interested. We're in North Oakland.

Thanks much.

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