Shall I get a companion for my only hen?

from California! Yes you need to get her a friend or two
I've wondered the same thing. I have one hen left over from a flock I started about 8 years ago. Most of the rest died of natural causes and old age. I have been concerned that if I get any new birds, she will attack them. She roams the yard and goes back in her coop all by herself at night. I would really like more but would like her to be happy about it and not attack them. And I really don't want to slaughter her, we've had her so long we've named her. Advice?
Susan, I think to get a few older birds or a few chicks and raise til they are a bit larger so they can defend themselves but not so big that they will gang up on her would be a good idea. My girls do pretty well when we add/take away birds from the flock. I buy and sale and trade on a regular basis. A day or two of craziness and a nick or two on a comb is all we have ever had to deal with. The coop dynamic settles down and things go back to normal. Our girls all get along, but within the flock there are separate little cliches that stick together more than others. But every hen has at least one buddy. I think they would be awfully lonely if they didn't have a companion!

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