Shampooing a Stinky Silkie


11 Years
Mar 28, 2008
So. California

Well, I found a wealth of information about shampooing, on the Thread for "Showing" your chickens

(LINK: )

however I have a question, and thought I'd start a new Thread for the question:

Must I use dish liquid or the laundry soaps mentioned in the Thread?

Couldn't I simply use a mild hair shampoo that my family uses or baby shampoo?

If not, why?

I really need to give my 4 mos old Silkie a bath today, as he STINKS and he still lives inside at night ..... peeee-uuuuu

thanks for any help,

When I showed silkies (Way back when) I diluted blueing shampoo (Mine were white and blue). So what ever shampoo you use, I would recoment diluting it with whater. Rince, Rince, and Rince. You don't want an itchy chickie. Then blow dry. Try and get him as dry as you can too, but make sure you don't burn him with the heat of the dryer. Moisture in the feathers and on the skin can cause problems.
That is what I did. Don't know if it is right or not, but it worked for me.
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Well, that was quite an un-eventful experience ....
I was expecting a lot more trouble and protest.

I just poured some baby shampoo in the water as the sink was filling, plopped the silkie into the suds, scrubbed his feathers, dropped him into two separate rinse tubs and rubbed again ... voila .... one wet, clean chicken. (Sure hope I got all suds out ... I think so)

He is happily outside now drying in the warm 88 degree california sun (88 degrees at 10:37 am pst .... yuck! It's gonna get hot).

The silkie sure looked funny all soaking wet ....
no, i didn't capture a photo this time...
but I will next time ... promise.

Thanks you guys!!!


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use a feed that does not advertise for "deep golden yolks" ... they usually use a marigold extract to achieve this and it will cause yellowing of the (WHITE) feathers that no bluing can remove....avoid yellow corn >the same.
Sunlight will also cause miscoloration.
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