Shar Pei puppy in IN..


10 Years
Feb 18, 2009
Does anyone know anyone who breeds shar pei puppies in IN. I live in east central IN and will be looking to purchase a female, at weaning age, in about a month and a half to two months.. If anyone knows anyone let me know! thanks! would be a great place to start, they have breeder referals.
and please do not adopt or buy a puppy under 8 weeks of age, its illegal and realy not good for th epuppies (puppies wean at between 4-6 weeks however should stay with mom and litter mates untill 8 weeks)

good luck, and be very through checking into breeders, peis are prone to alot of skin issues and agression due to bad breeding practices.
there very cool breed though
I know alot about the breed, this will not be my first, it will be my 4th. I do not take them before 8 weeks old. Thats why I said weaning age. Some like to shove them out at 4 - 6 weeks. I dont want one that young...

alot of people when they say "weaning age" mean as soon as the puppy isnt nursing anymore, which usually is between 4 and 6 weeks...

ive only ever worked with 2 peis, both unfortunatly from bad breeders, they were awesome dogs but noth had major seperation anxiety and skin issues.

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