my 5 year old cousin came over and wanted to name a chicken so here is Optimus Prime from transformers.

When this bird was a chick he was jet black with a white chest so he earned the name tuxedo but he lost his "tuxedo" and now he just looks weird.

Here is R2D2 because when he was a chick he made weird cheeping noises that sounded just like R2D2 from starwars.
Boss (He was a boss), Kicker (He used to jump & kick one of my daughter), Broiler (My hasband named him...Yum???), Bloody head (He got a bloody head from the fight and he is my favorite roo), Dirty head (He's head was always dirty from the food and he used to steal the food from the girls...), Hair ball (He's a hair ball!!), Chibi (the little one in Japanese. He is a boy), Ojo~(pretty girl in Japanse), Ochibi-chan (same as chibi but, I use it for the little girl), and blue evil for my blue silkie roo.......they are all my silkies names. Some of them are still here and some of them are gone. and I still have more chickens & chicks which I have to neme to....Noriko. Oh, Ukkokei is japanese name for silkies. Niwatori is japanese name for Chicken.
Wow, you guys have great names for your chickens!

My first set of chickens was named mostly after ancient Greek gods and goddesses. Ares, Hestia, Hera, Artemis, and Athena (a polish hen) were some of them. There is also Horus (a quail antwerp belgian named after the egyptian deity), who I still have.

Others include "Big-Fat-Brown-One" (fits her to a tee), Chubbs, Blobby, Blobs, Wellington, my three cochin roosters: PB (short for poopy butt), Scratchy, and Clucky. Duke Ellington, Sasquatch, Cinnamon, Loppy-comb and Loppy-wattles, Walter, Glasses (had black markings that looked like he was wearing glasses when he was a chick), Enid and Ellis, Buster, Mr. Peepers, Nod, Hugo, etc. The list goes on and on, since I name just about every chicken I get. I try to give them unique and memorable names, but sometimes they end up with names like "Mysterious One" and "Biting One".
One of my first chickens was a white leghorn. This bird tripped over everything, fell off roosts, was the ultimate klutz. She turned out to be a he-his name was Grace because he had none.
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My black giant cochin Roo is named Shimmer because when hes in the sun all you see is a shimmering green in his tail feathers. His mate is Jitterbug as a chick she sure did the dance.lol
I have a black hen dunno her breed but she acts really loopy and drunk so i named her Amy Winehouse fitting huh:D
Black cochin banty-miss bloomer britches,silver laced polish hen-cruella deville,silver laced cochin banty-silvie, golden laced banty cochin-goldie, Buff orphington hen- nancy grace, rir hen-rhodie, red pyle banty hen-ms pyle, mixed breed banty hen-Gabby (she talks to me all the time) White leghorn hen-MIMI (dh named her after me cause she tries to run the chicken yard)
We have

Dora the Explorer (sumatran cross); Spot (houdan), Giselle (after the disney character), Oprah Henfry and MaryLou Henner (NH), and Thelma and Louise (RIR).

Those no longer with us - The local coyote got Ellen DeHeneres, who liked to go in the front yard where our dog couldn't see what was going on to bark and protect her; Lucky (had a run in with a dog, but lived a few months longer before dying from ???) and sweet gentle Lily(lin-lin), our cochin that died from cancer.

Love the other names posted ! Gives us some ideas for future additions !

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