How about the name "Frozen"?
This is what my run looks like today!
I have a splash silkie hens named Splashyfras and Dirty girl, a blue laced andalusian named Chicken Little, she earned this name as a chick when she would do her little alarm noise at anything that moved while the rest of the chicks would just wonder why she was making a fuss. A light brahma named Brahama Mamma. Then we have white silkies named Aunt Norie, Aunt Noonie, Aunt Tootie and Sassyfras. I have a human Aunt Noonie that has worn a bouffant hairdo all of her life so it stands to reason that my chicken with the bouffant hairdo would be her namesake. My aunt was quite pleased to have such a beautiful chicken named after her! I also have human aunts nicknamed Norie and Tootie so I also wanted to "honor" them with a namesake! We have a blue silkie hen named Showga bowg (she started out being called shaggy). Sassyfras earned her name on the trip home as she talked all the way home in a quarrelsome manner. My black silkie hen is named Muckluck, probably not spelled right, but when she was little she looked like she had Eskimo boots on. The rest of her body fluff finally caught up with her legs and she is beautiful. Then we have the barred rocks that we hatched named Ping wing, Morticia, Gomie Martinee and Peamut. We also have Chippy, Brownie, Angel, Pee Wee, Rooptydoo, Brahma Queen, Roopter, Rosie, and Granny
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I have Heimlich, because as a chick she was so large and her wings were so small she seemed like the caterpillar in Bug's Life.

Our son named the new rooster Screech.
We got the rooster after dark...he hasn't made a sound yet.

My son named our mutt EE roo that.

I'd never heard anything named that before.

I won't say where else I've heard the word.

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