shared eggs yesterday


12 Years
Mar 14, 2007
Saint George GA
Guess what? I gave away my first dozen surplus eggs yesterday! An acquaintance called me and asked if I had any use for some pears, because her neighbor lady gave her 10 BAGS! I had just been wishing for some the other day, so of course I said yes. When I went to pick 'em up, I took her a dozen very fresh brown, white & green eggs. She was pretty happy

This whole egg thing is very exciting y'all!
Hey sounds like somebody just layed another one!
Pears for eggs - isn't it great? And the middleman stays out of the whole farming process, which is as it should be!
I love giving away eggs! I probably give as many away as we keep. My brother has to baby boys and I give them eggs and produce from the garden. I think it is healthier food than the store bought. And my 94 year old grandmother loves them! She eat two! (which is very good for her). Business transactions, landlords... everyone loves eggs!

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