Shavings vs Hay


6 Years
Jun 29, 2017
Middle Tennessee
Is hay as dusty as pine shavings? My run is covered so rain isnt an issue... Matter of fact, my run is so dusty... I was wondering if hay is as dusty as pine shavings when they start breaking down?
Assuming you know the difference between straw and hay, I sometimes use straw but hay should be avoided because it can mold and potentially cause aflatoxicosis or similar fungal issue.
Straw doesn't have the structure and nutrients available to support fungal growth.
I use pine shavings in the coop and straw in the run.
Chickens in general generate a lot of dust regardless.
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Assuming you know the difference between straw and hay, I sometimes use straw but hay should be avoided because it can mold and potentially cause aflatoxicosis or similar fungal issue.
I use pine shavings in the coop and straw in the run.
Chickens in general generate a lot of dust regardless.

Thank you
Assuming you know the difference between straw and hay, I sometimes use straw but hay should be avoided because it can mold and potentially cause aflatoxicosis or similar fungal issue.
I use pine shavings in the coop and straw in the run.
Chickens in general generate a lot of dust regardless.
:goodpost:Interesting....good information

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