she ate the egg shell and killed my chicky :-(


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 21, 2012
Phoenix AZ
so my broody hen sat on 2 eggs for a month. the first egg hatched on time but she was tryign to eat the egg off the chick but i took her out before the chick died. we chaulked it up to her trying to help the chick hatch. so today before i left for work i checked on the last one, she had pipped last night and was peeing away in the shell when i went to work at 630. i got home for break at 945 and wen to check and my hen had a blood vein hanging from her mouth! i pulled her off the nest and the last chick was laying lifeless on the nest :-( the momma had eaten the egg off of the chick completly and ther was no shell to be found. im so upset that she killed the chick. is there anything i could do different next time besides using an incubator o anther hen?
Sorry for your loss. Some hens just aren't good mothers while others are great. Now you just know she's not a hen to let he brood chicks.
Ya the first chick she was eating the egg off and I just assumed it was injured but it survived. The second one didn't make it. Luckily my daughter was happy to have one so she didn't care about the second one lol. I think if she sits for me again I'll let her keep then but on the last day I'll sit with her so she won't kill the chick.

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