Shelia is dead, and I have no idea why! Any ideas?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 7, 2011
Sheila was a splash cochin, and we had her for about 5 months. She seemed healthy, the only strange thing was that she frequently had episodes of what sounded like the hiccups!! I was out of town for 2 days, came home yesterday and found her dead in the coop. No signs of any injuries. Does anyone have any ideas of what could have happened?

Also, one of the cochin roos has also been making some sounds kinda like Shelia did. But his are not nearly as often as her's were. His are kind of like a cough/hiccup. AND, tonight, when I was tucking everyone in, I noticed my other cochin hens making snoring noises!! Am I over reactining? Any ideas or thoughts?

Thank you for any information you can give me!


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