Shell-less fairy egg


7 Years
Apr 15, 2017
Western New York
My Coop
My Coop
I found a fairy egg (tiny egg, no yolk) without a shell today near the hen’s roosting area. All the hens are 1.5 years old and I have never had any of them lay one. They just finished their 1st adult molt and resumed laying in the last 2 weeks after a few months of not laying.

And I don’t think it’s diet, they have layer feed, starter/ grower feed, Feather Fixer feed, and side bowls of oyster shells and egg shells at all times.

While researching fairy eggs and shell-less eggs, I could find info about them separately but not shell-less fairy eggs. Has anyone had this happen to one of their hens?
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It's just a hiccup of the reproductive system coming back on line and working things out... in my experience.

No, I haven't had the exact thing happen to me... but the after raising hundreds... you get to see a lot of unusual things. And hiccups returning to lay or just coming into lay is one of the more common.

As long as it wasn't resembling a lash egg... I wouldn't worry.

Did ya snap a pic of it? :pop
Ok thanks, good to know. I should have taken a pic, but didn’t. It was the size of a grape tomato, no shell, no yolk, clear jellylike stuff in middle. I didn’t have my phone on me when I was in the coop, and I was so surprised to see it (never saw one before) that I tore into it right away, then threw it in the waste bin. I’m surprised no one ate it!!
i just found two of them in my coop today! I’m 100% it was one of my newer layers that did it or my older girl that had stopped laying for a bit. I couldn’t take a picture of the egg, my girls got to them when I opened the coop.

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