Shipped eggs.... don"t turn for the first week? I'm confused.


Sep 25, 2017
North Dakota
Hopefully theres an expert out there that can help me. I'm reading up on hatching shipped eggs (24 guinea eggs) for my incuview (they roll side to side) a couple of the articles have said to put them in cartons and don't turn for the first 4-7 days of incubation? I am letting them rest for 24-36 hours and then I will candle to check the air cells. But I was wondering if anyone else out there has done this with luck? Since I don't have the standup turners and they'd roll side to side it makes a little sense to me. But I was always told that if not turned then they will get stuck. Any advice is appreciated. (this will be my second time, the first was with local eggs)
I received my eggs 2 days ago (trying for the 3rd time to get 1 to hatch) I’m at a loss too. 2 eggs were shattered so of course the rest have jelly aircells. I have them in an egg carton and I am lifting each end slightly a few times a day. Is there any other way? TIA
I think the idea is that as the embryo starts to develop, you leave it in place so the air cell can stabilize. As you begin incubation the air cell will grow a bit and theoretically re-anchor within the egg.

I'm actually incubating shipped eggs for the first time. I let them sit overnight and set them upright in cartons for the first 3 days then lay them down in the Incuview.

The eggs that had completely detached cells (2) didn't develop or quit really early. I've had 2 others quit. I've got 8 still looking good out of 12, on day 17 now. Hoping the eggs with saddle cells hatch ok.
I ordered 30 eggs from neighboring town.. I received it after an hour and I only let it sit for two hours in an egg carton before I put it inside my incubator. If I ordered it from a far place I would let it sit for a longer time, depends on how far it came from.
I agree with the others. I will put my eggs in a carton fat side up for 24 hours, then into a self rotating incubator they go. I have always had pretty good hatch rates with chickens, not so much with quail.

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