Shipped eggs, two out of nine are broken and stuff smeard over the intact clean or not to


6 Years
Jun 11, 2013
I just received a shipment of 9 eggs for the incubator. Two of the 9 were broken and their content smeared over most of the other eggs. I read not to wash them but only use paper towels, but the stuff is dried and the paper towels will not remove any of it. I don't have any of the Brinsea disinfectant at hand that was recommended on an other thread and I live "out in the woods" with no access to it anytime soon. I got them today and was planning to put them in the incubator tomorrow after their 24h resting period. Should I try to clean them? If yes, how?

A always, thanks for your help!!
Maybe try some fine grit sandpaper? Other than that, I'm not sure. The PO sure is rough on eggs :/
I've been wanting to have some eggs shipped to me from CA, but at $100 for 2 dozen eggs I'm afraid I'd end up with a bunch of broken,unusable eggs :(
IMO: If it were me, I would run a bit of water over them to loosen up the "goo", then take a dish cloth and gently wipe away what you can, repeating until clean. Don't soak them, and make sure that the temperature of the water is slightly above the temperature of the eggs.

howfunky: I ship eggs to the East Coast at least once a week, I have yet to have any broken. Right now it is way too hot to ship eggs though.

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