shipped eggs

longswamp farm

In the Brooder
6 Years
May 7, 2013
Is it more harmful to the hatching eggs to have them overnight shipped versus ground 3 to 4 day shipping?
That's a good question. I almost think over night shipments may receive just as much handling and tossing around as ground. If not more due to the rush of getting the package there on time. I'm not sure, i guess id say you would get fresher eggs but equal damage to the eggs and air cells
That's a good question. I almost think over night shipments may receive just as much handling and tossing around as ground. If not more due to the rush of getting the package there on time. I'm not sure, i guess id say you would get fresher eggs but equal damage to the eggs and air cells
you would have to weigh the cost versus benefit. Overnight shipping is expensive. The eggs travel the same amount of miles. They just sit longer (maybe upside down)

Personally I would not pay the premium.I get most shipments in 2 days not 3

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