Shoes for pigs? Solution for piggy hooves on hardwood floor


Apr 28, 2019
I've got a 60+ pound pig that loves hanging out inside most of the day. The only problem is about 40% of our floor is hardwood. He slips a bit on his back legs with every step and I'm worried about his joints in the future, especially as he continues to grow. I've looked up shoes for dogs, but it just doesn't look like it'd be ergonomic for his hooves.

Have any of you found solutions for this problem? Is there a website that sells shoes that I'm not aware of or can't find? I'd love any help that can be offered. I'd keep him outside but he's a huge wimp and it does get a bit cold out there at night.
Sorry, I've never kept a house pig but do want to say "hello" and :welcome

Hopefully, someone will come along soon and give you some tips for your pig.
A friend of mine had a similar problem with her dog. She found some pads that she could stick on the bottom of his feet. I think if you look around in an online pet supply you could find something. Go to and call them. Their customer service is great and whenever I have had any questions they have been very helpful.

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