Shoot. Not sure if I have enough outside room--advice?


In the Brooder
Mar 21, 2015
Well, chicken math struck me and now my covered/fenced outside of the coop "run" is about 12' by 12'. That would have been fine for just my first three, but now I have a total of 18 hens!!!
Should I extend it? Already exploding my budget:) But I love them all so much!
The actual coop size is plenty for them all, but I can't alter it for more room.
BTW, my back yard is huge and fenced, but we have major league problems with daytime predators!
Gosh, that does seem a little tight for 18 hens once they are full grown. We will have 6 (3 are grown, 3 are babies now) in a 10 x 10 run but they can free range all day as well. No predator problems. I would extend if you could.
I knew what some of the general rules were for space, but planned on adding on anyway.....until I figured out the price of building it! Dumb mistake.
However, I just ordered a covered pen that will add 7' long and 3 1/2' wide. No floor, and has a removable "tent" material cover. Think this will do the trick for the 18 ladies?
Thanks again!
You could look at a hoop run and how you could attach it to the run to give them more space. You could make them a chicken door to get into the hoop run with and a human door on the other end for you. It would maximize your space with less dollars spent.
You could look at a hoop run and how you could attach it to the run to give them more space. You could make them a chicken door to get into the hoop run with and a human door on the other end for you. It would maximize your space with less dollars spent.
Hey, thanks! Great minds must think alike, because that's exactly what I started building this afternoon. We'll do anything for our kids, huh?

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