Should I add anything to this coop?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 12, 2013
Here it is. I have posted it once but I didn't quite get the feedback I was looking for.


Comment please
You have a great setup! Very lovely!

Only thing I can think of...

If you put out one or two tables, or something sorta like that, the chickens that are free ranging could dive under the tables if a hawk came down after them. Might help reduce the odds of loosing a chicken. You would want to put the table / hawk cover in the middle of that big open area.

It could be anything really, just something the chickens could dive into, where a hawk wouldn't easily follow them.
I really like your setup ..... I would make sure along the bottom you have no places with just chicken wire alone....might keep the birds in but won't keep predators out!! Looks like you have room to separate and raise different breeds and or different types of poultry. I really like the turkey setup, I would love to do that !!!! I have always had to raise them with the chickens which isn't advised due to diseases so you have a great start there great job!!!!
A lot of birds. The upkeep must keep you pretty busy! My concern for that area is not so much hawks as it would be for a coon, fox, dog, or other ground predator that could wipe out many birds. A perimeter fence for all those pens and chicken wire cages would be a great first line of defense. It would also help establish a free range area for the birds so they don't wander out into the brush. I like the fake goat!

Thanks for the idea on the table! That sounds great! And also the fencing I am working on right now

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