Should I allow 2 drakes to "fight it out"?


9 Years
Jul 17, 2012
Southern Minnesota
I have 2 drakes. A white inidian runner named Aflac and a crested khaki Campbell named Moe. I had to separate them for a couple of days, and now when they see each other, they grab each other's necks and begin fighting. I can't keep them separate for much longer. Should I let them fight and figure out the pecking order? Or would they kill each other?

Understand that I love both of these drakes very much and it'd be very hard for me to give one of them up.
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If you want to keep both, and you can't provide separate pens, you will have to let them fight it out. Poultry society can be harsh. Every male wants to make sure that it is his DNA that carries on, and every female wants access to the best resources. This requires status.
That's what I figured...

Have you even seen drakes fight till death? I can watch them for a couple of hours, but I can't be watching them constantly and I can't imagine losing one.

I guess I might have to decide between building another pen, or giving up one of them.
well sorta, you can leave them to sort it out but you have to watch. Yes, they can kill each other as worse case. I have let my drakes (main guys) fight it out but have had to step in, the one time the younger one slammed the older down to hard and he began bleeding horribly through his nares, i put a stop to that darn quick, usually however the fights don't end in blood, does depend on the drakes too.
I agree with Going Quackers - monitor their battle, but only intercede if absolutely necessary. Someone has to be BOSS, and someone needs to be subordinate.
At what point would you intervene? They constantly grab each other's necks and sometimes won't let go. Is this something that I should allow them to do? or would that be considered a dangerous situation?
That's just part of working it out. Time to intervene would be if one gives up and the other continues to attack.
With my 2 Muscovy drakes when son challenges father for dominant role they begin their fight neck and wing fighting soon son will run away like the wind with dad in hot persuit when he catches up with son he will hold him down and peck at him a few times just to get the point across, then it's over. The only time I intervene is when they go after my old guy who is kept separate but will sometimes squeeze his way into the other part of the area. He still thinks he can kick butt but he can't hold out so I will step in and end that fight.
With my 2 Muscovy drakes when son challenges father for dominant role they begin their fight neck and wing fighting soon son will run away like the wind with dad in hot persuit when he catches up with son he will hold him down and peck at him a few times just to get the point across, then it's over. The only time I intervene is when they go after my old guy who is kept separate but will sometimes squeeze his way into the other part of the area. He still thinks he can kick butt but he can't hold out so I will step in and end that fight.
Lydia makes a good point. It is essential that the loser have enough space to retreat from the victor. The only drakes that I have had fight 'to the death' have been muscovies. They just don't seem to give up.

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