Should I ask for some sort of compensation?

I had noticed that every one else was saying 90% from their suppliers. But even at 90% that means at most one of them could have been a rooster. I am thinking I got a straight run? (that's what you call it when they are bought unsexed?)I will post pics on Sunday of my boys and girls. I am so glad that I have chickens again!
please remember with satistics it is 90% that any one chick will be a hen. Big difference from that and saying on in ten could be a rooster.
Hello Leggin

Doesnt seem fair that towns you pay good tax dollars in can tell you what you can have and cannot have.
I guess your neihbors must be close.
Even if the OP was not restricted to two roosters by law, not many people want 7 roosters to 4/5 hens--unless you are into cock fighting. It costs the same to feed and raise the roosters as it does the future hens who repay you for their keep with eggs every day. By now these chicks are two months old--no telling how much it has cost to get them to the point where she has to give them away or get a couple of dollars for them.
Sorry for bumping thread thread but..... I am now 7 roos , 4 hens and jury still out on number 12, may be a late bloomer.

Have you talked with the feed store yet? Even straight run should be closer to 50/50. If you don't do something soon, they probably won't give you any compensation.
90% accuracy is saying they should be right 90 times out of 100. That leaves 10 chances of being wrong out of 100. The exact same thing as saying one in 10 could be a rooster. If you buy 100 chicks and one out of ten is a rooster, you end up with 90 hens and 10 roosters.
I did talk with the feed store, showed them my receipt for 10 hens and one rooster with the rooster scratched out by the feed store. No compensation, just a "Gee that's to bad". I think next spring I will order 700 hens, keep 5-6 of the actual hens I get, rehome the others and dump the 650 roosters over the fence of the feed store and let them deal with them.
Will most certainly order my chicks from somewhere else next year.
I am not so happy with the feed store chicks this year either. I ordered 10 Cuckoo Marans and 3 of them died, also lost one of another breed. Last year I ordered my 30 chicks from Belt Hatchery in California and all of them thrived and are great layers. Will go back to them next year I think.
If you have roosters that you don't want - why don't you eat them - if you don't like to do that - give them to someone who will - no good letting them go to waste - after all millions of chickens - probably billions - go that way - that's probably the only purpose for their existence -

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