Should I be worried with these feathers

Dan B

In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 8, 2011
Trying to find out of this is even an issue. We got these chickens from a guy who said his roosters were a bit aggressive with the hens before we got them. I've read about the bare backs and all four do have a spot on their backs that is bare but this one hen just has some rough feathers. Here is a shot of her. Notice the rough looking wing feathers. Is this normal after they have been around a rooster.

She cleans and preens herself several times a day but she looks like she's not taking care of herself.

Phone pic....sorry it's not much of a picture

She looks like my BSL hen that is favorited by my Broiler rooster. He has since been seperted since he has 10 lbs on her, easy. I think she will be fine with a saddle if you have a roo penned with her.
She hasn't been around a roo for about 2 weeks. We do not have any. They guy we bought them from had several roos that were very aggressive. Is that wing feather normal damage from a roo?

Notice the Barred Rock in the background....her back is the worst but I've read it will be fine.

I'm just worried about the RIR's wing feathers. She the smallest of the 4 that we have and she's a little bit crazy. I just want to make sure it's not a mite, lice or her just not taking car of herself enough.

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