Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Here is the background info: Penny and the four hens were giving me an egg a day until one pretty much quit.
The past week or two I am getting five more often, but I have had four shell-less eggs. Today was one of those days. I do expect 4 eggs a day. So ... Did the hens give me two whole, one not whole and a fart, or am I doing the happy chicken dance?

If you are confused, I am asking if you think this was a fart, or if this is someone's first egg?
Well, I kinda don't like the phrase much, sorry, mostly because its anatomically incorrect. But, yeah it would be a first egg. It is a little odd to get so many shelless? If i understand you correctly. Soft shells indicate a nutrition deficit. If you have all hens starting soft, I'd examine my feed. I've added a third high protein dog food to the layer mash to make up for the lack of bugs this time of year. I've also switched to whole corn in my fermented feed for energy. This week I'm going to add one forth each of barely and oats to the mash as well. There is still green grass but I don't think it has the vitality now, and my winter rye and wheat isn't sprouting yet.
MC, it looks like a nice first egg to me too...

I never shut the computer off this morning, so it's been sitting here on byc all day! I just got home, I sure do hate delivering mail in the dark! went out with a flashlight to check for eggs and see the gang, even if it was only momentary... they are all still roosting in the enclosure, got to say my goodnight peeps... and I found 6 perfect eggs waiting for me! is this the 3rd or the 4th perfect day??? I can't keep track of anything anymore, unless I write it down... I'll have to page back here to see where the count is... such pretty eggs... I'm so tired and my aching back can't tolerate any more moving around, so scrambled freshies is on the menu tonight! not that it would take much effort to heat up stew, or soup or chili, I have all 3 handy... personally, I would just love to sit back and eat a whole pile of candy... so eggs it is! then I'll eat some peanut butter fudge dipped in caramel sauce...
Cheeka's descriptions regarding the dearth of quality male suitors in parts of the country have left me chuckling but oddly frightened at the same time. I mean, people who are overweight, out of work, or have a drinking problem I'm familiar with and they don't freak me out (unless the drunkard is driving). And ZZ Top beards.... a pair of sharp scissors and a little trim in the middle of the night solves this problem. But nub mouth?
I haven't stopped looking over my shoulder since she said this. And it has inspired a little rhyme.

Tales abound, intent to scare
With characters that will raise your hair
Stories to make our children fear
In hopes to keep them safely near

We all know the stories well
Stories we will always tell

For in the forests dark and deep
Dwell nightmares that will plague your sleep

A witch that lives in a house so sweet
The bogeyman with great huge feet
Werewolves howling at the moon
The creature from the black lagoon
The headless horseman, Mr. Hyde,
And Dracula flies far and wide
A child in a hood of red
A vicious wolf in grandma’s bed

Things that go bump in the night
Creatures at the edge of sight
Frankenstein’s monster, the mummy’s tomb
All are lusting for our doom
Zombie, goblin, beast or ghost
Which one frightens you the most?

The one that fills her heart with fear
The one she prays will not come near
The one that makes her knees go weak
And makes her fate seem darkly bleak
She has faced the dreadful truth
The scariest is ol’ Nub Tooth
I went with My Pet Chicken. I looked at Meyer, they are less expensive, but I don't have any experience with them. round these parts most people use McMurray and MPC, so I figured, since MPC does not sell EE's as anything other than EE's, as most hatcheries call them Ameracaunas or Araucanas... and they have a good guarantee, lengthy time period, for sexing errors... eh... impulse sale anyway, so if I paid too much... s'my own fault for being so hasty... I just decided I didn't want to wait, so, I'm not gonna! I've gotten the tubs and radiator heater back out, have the bedding and the little feeders and waterers out, everything is spic and span and ready for their arrival! I just need chick feed, which I'll pick up when it's closer to their shipping time. the gang is outside, finished foraging, they are under the big pine, taking a bath. I can see them from here, but I'm going back outside, figured I'd pop online quick and see what's going on with everyone...

4 eggs so far! no egg from one BR, and none from Isis...

I can't remember what the marans were at MPC, think they might have been $10 also, not avail. til April... except on a very very limited basis...
Has anyone tried chickensforbackyards?
Hey Cheeka, look at these. They belong to cherylcohen who is in the east San Francisco Bay area. She's got all kinds of really cool breeds. Don't know if she is selling or ships, but thought I'd take part as enabler in your Chicken Math efforts! They just hatched yesterday. Off the cuteness scale!!!

"Lavender Marans babies, first born of the 4th generation!"

OOOOOH i am in love!!!!
Wow, I actually just read this entire thread... I am never going to get a THING done today, but dreaming. This was a dreamy thread. Marans.... oh that I could find a few. :)

In response to the stuff on Buff Orps, my vote is so definitely FOR. They are the most darling of personalities, they are not the best layers I have ever had, but hardy and consistent. They lay on into years, a big plus.
Welcome to BYC glad you've joined us!

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