Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Yay more puppies! I actually like to get two when I get pets. Wish we had gotten two puppies. That way I feel like they have a friend.

Going for a run at 6:30 in the am seemed like a good idea until I realized it's really 5:30am. Ugghh was I one of the ones that said I like dst?
ugh, it's snowing. well... flurrying, and it's the last thing I want to see. we're supposed to have more tomorrow and Wednesday has a 100% chance of accumulating snow. how much depends on the storms track... but they predict a minimum of 4".

MC, those pups sure are adorable...! they wouldn't really make LGD's, but perhaps, like Chester, they can be taught to ignore the chickens. their presence should deter other predators. How old is Sturgis? would rambunctious pups annoy him? Ruby is 8 and Chester is getting near 5, but he regressed big time when he got here and behaved like a pup... Ruby would get so annoyed with his bouncing... she started to bite his ears. she'd give him one good nip and he'd cry out and curl up all submissive... that lasted about 2 months, now all she has to do is move quickly in his direction and he settles down...he just wanted to play, but being about 2.5 times her size, she doesn't like roughhousing. for a hound, not known for their intelligence, he's pretty darn smart. when he wants to play with her, he rolls onto his back and lures her over with kissing, they play nicely now.

Chester is so well behaved, except for that nose of his... getting him in trouble. old BH used to call Ruby the "No-Nose Dog" so now... I have the No-Nose and Chester... the "No! No! No! Nose Dog"

you'll make it work out, good luck!

W4W, hooray for eggs! so nice that they are settling in quickly!
Buy 6. Just buy some eggs. If the girls start laying tomorrow, you will be ahead of the game. Our Goldens started right about 18!wks.mand have been giving us between 11 &'12 every day now for almost a year! You're gonna love the variations in color (from lighter tan to an almost brownish red) of the shells.mEnjoy your girls!
Yet another random post where they only read the title or the first post. Cracks me up!

Anyway, we are heading out to finish the last few things in the new coop. They will be in there tonight! I am so excited!
Yes buy a dozen. If your hens free you may not be able to find them or you can,t get to them. plus 1st eggs are small for a couple of months Good luck. I haven't bought eggs from a store for 3 years. Smitty
i get 16 to 22 eggs a day have a shop that buys them for cakes, we have 28 hens now lost one yesterday, found her not looking good last week have been given her meds, when we saw she was sick we moved her to work shop, been there a week, but fir night i went out and took her out of cage to walk around and she could not get up was trying to get back in cage, so i told dh it was time to let her go to chicken heaven.
this morning i made pies for them boy did they go crazy

Yet another random post where they only read the title or the first post. Cracks me up!

Anyway, we are heading out to finish the last few things in the new coop. They will be in there tonight! I am so excited!

i get 16 to 22 eggs a day have a shop that buys them for cakes, we have 28 hens now lost one yesterday, found her not looking good last week have been given her meds, when we saw she was sick we moved her to work shop, been there a week, but fir night i went out and took her out of cage to walk around and she could not get up was trying to get back in cage, so i told dh it was time to let her go to chicken heaven.
this morning i made pies for them boy did they go crazy
Yesterday I got an egg from Rumples
before the attack and one from Si
about an hour after the attack. Today I got an egg from Penny.
The girls do not seem interested in leaving the pen,
but that is good. I plan on keeping them penned up until I get home from work. Then it will be a supervised free range with me and the Cody dog until coop time.
DH is going to enlarge the pen another 12x8 foot area. That will give them plenty of space to hang out until I get home from work. The crows are hanging around and on my morning walk, I saw a rather large hawk or juvenile eagle flying over head looking for a meal.
MC... The Huskie puppies are adorable, but they are runners. Its not their fault. They are bred for that. My lab was a great escape artist until I put a pet electric wire up on the fence. That worked until he got too fat and old.
I don't think I could stomach a store bought egg, and don't order eggs at restaurants. I'm up to 6 collected so far, lots of nesting activity and even Sillie was peering in - maybe to see if there was room for her? I can't wait to catch her on the nest!!! she is such a sweetie! time to get cooking!

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