Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

my Genvieve is seeming to respond to the crop massage. I've been working her several times a day and she's starting to enjoy it because it always comes with something easy to digest that is also tasty. it's not so full and saggy anymore and she only high steps once in a while. she ranged energetically, so was a bit worn out at the end of the afternoon, quietly enjoying the sunshine. she let me carry her back to the dome, and i had to carry all the Fosters (except for Fannie) back as well. Fannie followed the red bucket straight home like a good girl. babies are doing great, I'm pooped, rambling... g'nite!
Glad she is doing better. She looks so content. I am a sucker for those cuckoo/laced type birds.
The trees are gorgeous! Wish we had more deciduous trees out here, but that would mean snow in winter. Hmmmm.... tough call. One thing I really miss from back east (besides fireflies and wild huckleberries) (oh, and turtles) is the smell of the leaves in the fall. That earthy musty smell instantly transports me back to childhood memories of jumping in leaf piles, apples, Halloween, and the pace of things slowing down, waiting for xmas and the first snow. Rarely get that smell here. I hate scented candles, but if they could capture that fall leaf smell, I'd get a whole case!
Betty is gorgeous. Thank you cheeka. I am hoping for good weather on Saturday so that I can do close ups! Can't wait for your predictions!!
my Genvieve is seeming to respond to the crop massage. I've been working her several times a day and she's starting to enjoy it because it always comes with something easy to digest that is also tasty. it's not so full and saggy anymore and she only high steps once in a while. she ranged energetically, so was a bit worn out at the end of the afternoon, quietly enjoying the sunshine. she let me carry her back to the dome, and i had to carry all the Fosters (except for Fannie) back as well. Fannie followed the red bucket straight home like a good girl. babies are doing great, I'm pooped, rambling... g'nite!
Cheeka, this was something I found on another thread about crop impaction and worms. Probably doesn't have anything to do with your girl here, but it is interesting info. I had never considered this before. Scary. The quote was in response to someone asking for general info about worming.

From TwoCrows (moderator and very nice person) :

It is always best to dose the drug as it is designed. In this case this is an oral drug. The problem with putting medications in the water that are not designed to be there, is that many drugs may not dissolve correctly, you may not be dosing them properly or some birds may drink too much and others not enough. Wazine is a bit different in that it is pretty mundane on the bird and can be served up for up to 3 days for those birds that may not have drank enough. Wazine doesn't kill anything, but paralyzes live worms. It is designed for water. You can't really over dose birds on this stuff if used properly. Safeguard is safe to use if given in the proper amounts to each bird.

Worms are nothing to mess around with. I would guess that 85% or more of all slow, sour and impacted crops in our emergency section are caused from worm impactions. Most of these birds end up dying because they are treated for crop issues when in fact the intestines have become so impacted with worms that they rupture, or the bird dies from food poisoning or because they can't defecate. Some birds starve to death long before this point as well.

So long story short, LOL, use it as directed. If you have a huge flock, just dose each one while in the coop and put the bird out after the dosage, that way you know you got them all.

Hi Cheeka, tried for some close ups before the thunderstorm came in. So what do you think? Eggs soon? Which one first? Still your prediction on Owl the Barred Plymouth Rock?Hope Genvieve is feeling better. Happy weekend to all!
so... it's dark.
Ruby Pug disappeared without a trace this morning at 7:15. I turned my back for 30 seconds to get Chester as I do every single time I take them out.
it's been 12 hours. I've walked at least 10 miles around the hilltop, out there for 5.5 hours searching for her in the rain.
my friends want me to hold out hope. I have none. she will not survive the night if she wasn't killed on snatch.

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