Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

sophia, they are beauties and I promise to take a closer look later, in the meantime, I'm sure you'll get some good guesses from the others!
I can't focus and I have to go back outside. I just have to try one more time
I sure do hope you're right! I won't sleep at all. she's my bed hog, she sleeps across my waist. propped up... can never sleep on vacations because I need a 20 lb sandbag to sleep with and it makes my suitcase overweight.
so... it's dark.
Ruby Pug disappeared without a trace this morning at 7:15. I turned my back for 30 seconds to get Chester as I do every single time I take them out.
it's been 12 hours. I've walked at least 10 miles around the hilltop, out there for 5.5 hours searching for her in the rain.
my friends want me to hold out hope. I have none. she will not survive the night if she wasn't killed on snatch.
Oh no, that is so sad. I am so sorry for you. Will keep fingers crossed for a mini miracle.
Sophia, the silver Wyandotte and the barred Rock have the reddest faces and most development, followed by the gold Wyandotte, who looks to have a pinker face. None of the others, beautiful as they are, look very close. I would think at least a month more for them.

There is a way to check the width of their pelvic bones to see who is close to laying, but I've never done it. You'd have to look it up. I've seen it described several times.
Awesome thank you w4w. When I was looking at them today indeed the SS and the 2 EE look pink and baby like. The other 3 Re definitely redder and more developed. Had fun with them today. They were very curious about my phone. My Bar red Plymouth Rock was very busy jumping on the table and preening my head! Go figure!

I think you are right on Ruby. Someone must have picked her could a pug vanish? Cheeka good thoughts your way.
Cheeka lives in a fairly rural place. She fears a predator attack. Unthinkable, really.
My only thought was that Ruby headed out on the road and someone in a car "rescued" her. Miracles happen.
Ann, I am so sorry, was hoping for a miracle. Thought about you last night and know how you must be suffering. Ruby was your baby, and there is nothing harder than losing a child.

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