Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Cheeka, I looked at the listing on line. Was a little disappointed not to see interior pics.
Bet lookie-lous will be pleasantly surprised with all the work you did on the kitchen. Hope it sells as well, but maybe people will get in a bidding war and you can get a bit more for it. I'm glad you are out on disability, but not glad that you have to be. Does that make sense?
And you will be a little closer to California... Road trip! Maybe some day.
Hope the house sells for you Cheeka! And I'm with W4W... Glad you're out but not happy you need it! Hope this gives you the chance to recoup!

I have someone coming Sunday to buy 3 ducks. I need to get rid of at least 6. I don't actually like duck eggs but I love watch them waddling around. They've integrated great w my chickens and thankfully I have a cohesive flock (sorry Mortie...but I think because I have so much room and free range so much everyone in general gets their own space).

Got 3 Phyllis eggs in the bator and a broody chicken who has been broody for 3 months now so I might slip the eggs or babies under her..... I've done nothing w this hatch in regards to canceling, weighing etc... I've always had such a high hatch rate I figure the bator knows what it's going and no need to stress or worry... Can't wait to see what hatches. Phyllis was one of my original 3 yrs ago and has an attitude that matches Rodger's so it should be interesting!

First egg from the babies at right around 19 weeks. I was not expecting an egg fr anther 3 weeks or so but I am sure this came from one of them. Not sure who. It was perfect and in the nest box.
thanks everyone, folks are here looking now, they've been through the house and are now walking the property.

then we have a break until 3, for interior photos... then another break or mad dash to do more cleaning for the 2nd showing at 7. we did a bang up job on the place, washed walls and did the nitty gritty that usually gets overlooked or done infrequently... we're all beat except for Wrangler... she had coffee... omg. I've changed her name to Tornado!

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