Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Testing... testing... anyone out there?

We are having a break in the rain which is a good thing... enjoying some sunshine. Pretty soggy out there. Should be dry until Feb, but the drought for my part of CA is officially over as we have already reached the seasonal average. All rain in Feb-May will be bonus moisture.

Only good thing about the drought is it has done in the neighbor's icky messy pine that is way to close to my house. The next one in line is not doing well either, so the beetles have probably infected it. Really cool pileated woodpecker has been thunking away up there.

I did not wash away!

Lots of blown over trees here too. On hit a building at UCD and another fell across a side entrance to shields library. These were 60foot redwoods.
Hi Ron! The water seems to de draining away pretty quickly. The weeds are going wild! Hoping I can mow on Sunday.

My younger son goes to a tech high school on the campus of Sonoma State University. He has to walk a gauntlet of redwoods to get to class, and it is very disturbing to see so many large branches snap off of them!
so my pics are back to popping up to the top after I've written my post. rather than redoing it... I'll just leave the photos here and you'll get to the blah blah blah at the end... lol

Hey Hey! all is well in the plains, not too much snow... a little cold and windy, but I'll take it over NY any day!

the plan for tomorrow is to photograph the entire chicken yard so I can develop a plan for building. I have to start already. Spring is already around the corner...

found a really super sculpture park about a half hour from home. only took photos of about a quarter of the art work... lots of editing to do!
Let's keep this thread going! I've been lurking a bit but have dropped off social media a bit! But I love this thread!!!! It was my first foray into the chicken world!!!

Much new over here!!!

Still have a lot of chickens! Rawley and Savannah are finally trustworthy around them that I can free range this time of year without worry of hawks (they are not trustworthy around the eggs or food tho)!!!

Have a few more animal additions! Got 2 sheep in Oct and 2 pigs in Dec. momma pig is preggo and due in the next couple of days!!!




Hi clindz! Your menagerie is coming along nicely! I love mama pig. She looks a little like a cartoon character.
What breed? I will be very disappointed if you don't post piggy pics! Looks like she's got a bunch packed in there. The other pig a different breed? (as opposed to being younger)

Is that Rawley? He's a beast!
Hi clindz!  Your  menagerie is coming along nicely!  I love mama pig.  She looks a little like a cartoon character. :)   What breed?  I will be very disappointed if you don't post piggy pics!  Looks like she's got a bunch packed in there. The other pig a different breed? (as opposed to being younger)

Is that Rawley?  He's a beast! 

The pigs are Kune Kune! A smaller breed of meat pig (not a potbellied). The little guy is just a baby. Only 4 months old. I just love his coloring!!

Waiting anxiously! She's due on the 14 but I'm hoping she'll go this weekend but I'm not too hopefully as of now!

Rawley is a beast and Savannah is a character!!!

I'm up to about 50 chickens! My first set is 3.5 and I have yet to cull any. Just can't seem to do it! I think I'll move some of the older girls to the back barn/field and that'll be my retirement home!

How's Cali life? I see you finally got rain!!!!!
Boy did we ever get rain! and more to come. It's good to not be worried about drought for this year, and the trees really needed the water. Very stressed.

What are your plans for the pigs? They are too cute to eat!

Not much new around here. I have some 4½ yr old hens, and they still lay occasionally. I just have one coop for the layer hens, so it forces me to keep their numbers down. Very hard when chick season is approaching!

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