Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Happy birthday Scrambles!!! I might have turned 40 today!!!!!

Happy Birthday!! Those piggies are so cute. Looks like they are smiling.

That there is the dancing happy birthday bunny, for all the birthdays we been having around here.

The piglets...OMG. I love the red ones.

Eggs go into lockdown tomorrow night. I started with 18. 1 clear, 2 early quitters, and one that quit day 9. Everyone else looked good last night when I peeked at them. They'll be hatching this weekend and going STRAIGHT TO THEIR NEW HOME. Do not pass go, do not remain at my house more than a few hrs lol.
The piglets are so freaking cute!!! I couldn't raise them and eat them. I get too attached. But, if I was taken to a farm with a full grown, ready to harvest pig.... I could kill it.
Six!! I got six today!!!!!! Seven yesterday! Woohoo!
They don't stay cute and little so I think I can eat them! I can't kill them tho so will find somebody to do that and the butchering.

It's 65 degrees today. Snow tomorrow and a Nor'easter tuesday w lows in the teens! Welcome to NJ where you can get all 4 seasons in one day!!!

I got a ton of eggs. Dropped one and the dog was thrilled!!!
Only 2 eggs today. I let the girls out for some free range today.
I bought one of those air fryers.... I made ribeye steak, mushrooms and baby reds. Yummy!! Tomorrow, I am trying porkchops.
@mortie... how goes the hatch??

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