Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I had 7 chicks hatch today. They started at 1 am. So they were technically still on day 19. Most of them hatched right at the start of day 20. They aren't due to hatch until saturday.

One the last egg that had pipped was out, I took advantage of the break in the action to clean out the bator and examine the last of the eggs. 4 of them I trashed. I was reasonably sure those were goners at lock down and at this point they clearly had stopped developing 3 or 4 days ago.

1 had pipped into the air cell but I couldn't see it moving or produce a peep by tapping the egg. I wasn't sure if this one was alive or not.

1 had not pipped internally and I did not see movement, but it had developed clear up past lockdown so I put it in.

1 was definitely alive. It had not pipped internally that I could see but it was alive and moving around.

So 3 went back in. realistically I'm not sure what to expect. 2 I'm not 100% sure are even alive. 1 is lagging so far behind that I'm not sure if it's really a viable chick. Bator is going to keep them warm while they decide.

The 7 chicks I did get were very nice, strong babies.

IF I manage to get 8 out of it, that's a pretty terrible hatch rate. 44%. That's basically on par with shipped eggs. I have some suspicions about why that might be. The sad thing is most of the ones that died did so at the very end. It broke down like this:

1 clear

2 very early quitters (day 3)

1 mid term quitter (day 9)

then I had 14 good ones 2 days before lockdown. I am sure they were all good. Then when I candled at lockdown I could see that I'd lost several just in the last 48 hrs. When I locked down, it looked to me that I had 10 that were alive, which is borne out in the numbers I am dealing with now. I lost 5-7 in the last couple of days.

Anyway. I have some ideas and i think the main solution is to get a new incubator. If you recall, I am using a broken one that I used to bake 2 (literally bake.) batches 2 years ago before dh put his foot down and said NEVER AGAIN.
Sorry about the hatch, mortie. That's tough, losing so many so late. A new incubator sounds like a good idea!

I spent an hour today looking for a disappeared chicken... the pretty blue Wyandotte of course.
Even had #1son and hubs helping. We looked everywhere... under everything, in everything, behind everything... coops, trees, wood piles, fences, bushes, tall grass, sheds... everywhere. Checked everything twice and three times. We didn't see any feathers anywhere. I finally walked over to the neighbor's in case she jumped the fence or something. Nope. How can a chicken just disappear like that? Bigger question is how can a chicken just reappear out of nowhere. While I walked around to the neighbor's, #2son continued looking in the backyard. He had been looking near the coop, turned around, and there she was! I think she's an alien.
w4w - that exact thing happened to me. We spent hours looking for this chicken, even asking the neighbors if they'd seen her. Scoured the yard, looked under every rock and bush. Then when we gave up, boom there she was.
Another vote for an incubator!!!

And air fryers! I don't have one but I have friends who swear by them!

No idea how many eggs! It's too cold to go look!!!!
Same here...brrrr

We are down to 4 chickens too....can't remember if I told you guys. We lost one to a possum in jan and one just up and died out of nowwhere about 2 weeks ago.
hey everyone, sorry to be MIA along with a few other regulars...

happy birthday to Scrambles and clindz!

I've decided and the build begins this week. I will have my birds by the 3rd week of April.

Gazebo style housing, screened in with hardware cloth, storm windows for winter.

birds; a breeding pair of juvenile red golden pheasants and 6 large fowl EE's. that leaves me with a little room for a couple of rescue battery hens if we can find any.

meanwhile, I've been in Denver, taking care of my folks. my brother left the US last week for employment somewhere... and my dad has been having a bout of pneumonia since his 85th birthday on 2/22. thought I would have to bring him back to the hospital because of chronic and somewhat severe nosebleeds, but we finally got him to stop bending over, stop picking up heavy things... and for goodness sake, stop blowing! long enough for it to heal and stick.
stubborn... it's nice to be home. I missed my girls, and boy oh boy did I miss my Chester!

promise to take pics and keep y'all updated on the build!
Good to hear from you, Cheeka. Glad your dad is doing better; I know how stubborn they can be. Neighbor had goldens when I was a kid. They were beautiful. My new EE from last spring lays a pretty light blue egg. I was really happy about that, especially considering the other EE sexed pullet chick was a cockerel.

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