Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Impossibly small world.
ronott1 a long long time ago one of my uncles was a professor and dean at one of the UC campuses.
cheeka the Colorado thing had me confused for a while. You were talking about a whole bunch of places that I knew well. Had to read a few months of posts to figure out you were a displaced Long Islander. It gets stranger. My father moved upstate about 15 years ago. I can't even begin to guess how many times I was fewer than 10 miles from your mountain top. Dads mountain top is on the West edge of Mallet Pond state forrest. You worked at Stony Brook, Iv'e been a cancer patient there for the last 20 months.
W4W. Over the winter I was playing with building a home made incubator. The plan was to do quail until my son came home from school with a dozen chicken eggs from one of his friends. 5 hatched and 3 were pullets. Chicken math happened and I put two dozen more eggs in the incubator. 10 pullets and 5 cockrels (barnyard mystery mix) hatched around mothers day. Went to Agway for food and stuff. They had day olds but somehow I managed to refrain. Told my wife about chicks and her response was "I already know you are crazy, if you came home with more chicks that wouldn't change." Back in the truck, 25 miles to Agway, came home with 4 each black sex links, dark brahmas, and Rogers. Pullets were accurately sexed so ATM I have 3 pullets and 2 cockrels almost 27 weeks and 21 pullets and 5 cockrels 17 weeks.
I have way too many chickens. Town says I can have six girls and no boys, more is only a problem if someone complains.I have 24 pullets and 7 cockerels Can't wait until the younger ones start laying and I can leave eggs for the neighbors. So far everyone but me is OK with roosters at 5:30 in the morning.
Impossibly small world.
ronott1 a long long time ago one of my uncles was a professor and dean at one of the UC campuses.
cheeka the Colorado thing had me confused for a while. You were talking about a whole bunch of places that I knew well. Had to read a few months of posts to figure out you were a displaced Long Islander. It gets stranger. My father moved upstate about 15 years ago. I can't even begin to guess how many times I was fewer than 10 miles from your mountain top. Dads mountain top is on the West edge of Mallet Pond state forrest. You worked at Stony Brook, Iv'e been a cancer patient there for the last 20 months.
I have worked at UC Davis since 1996. I am in IT there
W4W. Over the winter I was playing with building a home made incubator. The plan was to do quail until my son came home from school with a dozen chicken eggs from one of his friends. 5 hatched and 3 were pullets. Chicken math happened and I put two dozen more eggs in the incubator. 10 pullets and 5 cockrels (barnyard mystery mix) hatched around mothers day. Went to Agway for food and stuff. They had day olds but somehow I managed to refrain. Told my wife about chicks and her response was "I already know you are crazy, if you came home with more chicks that wouldn't change." Back in the truck, 25 miles to Agway, came home with 4 each black sex links, dark brahmas, and Rogers. Pullets were accurately sexed so ATM I have 3 pullets and 2 cockrels almost 27 weeks and 21 pullets and 5 cockrels 17 weeks.
4 Rogers??? You are knee deep in it now!
Lol Chris! I had 4 Rogers too and I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
I was raised on Long Island, I'm a Post Toasty. (CW Post campus of LIU) Stonybrook is an amazing place...
I miss my upstate NY home and land, but dang I love Albuquerque! And I'm done moving for a looooong time.
Busy, busy, busy. I like winter but, Long Island winters are about enough for me. Couple of weeks of winter, then a few days of spring, maybe a day or two of summer just to confuse everyone... Repeat as needed to get from Thanksgiving to Mothers Day. If I really want "WINTER!!!!" it's only a short drive north.
Dad is going to be 79 next week, I have no idea he gets out and plows a 2000 foot driveway so his wife can get to work.
Sorry, I forgot we are not supposed to use the W word.
On the bird front; I have SIX HENS (Legal Disclaimer... Occasionally they move so fast it appears that I have 31. The 7 that look like roosters are also optical illusions.). I got my first egg from one of my 19 week old hens today. 120 quail eggs went into lock-down this afternoon. It's my first attempt at quail. By early next week I should have somewhere between 0 and 120 baby quail. Chicken brooder will be fine for a while but at the moment I only have 2 part built quail cages big enough for 12 - 15 birds each (hopefully I'll need a few more). Time to get off the computer and back to the work shop.
Hope everyone is well, talk to you soon.
Busy, busy, busy. I like winter but, Long Island winters are about enough for me. Couple of weeks of winter, then a few days of spring, maybe a day or two of summer just to confuse everyone... Repeat as needed to get from Thanksgiving to Mothers Day. If I really want "WINTER!!!!" it's only a short drive north.
Dad is going to be 79 next week, I have no idea he gets out and plows a 2000 foot driveway so his wife can get to work.
Sorry, I forgot we are not supposed to use the W word.
On the bird front; I have SIX HENS (Legal Disclaimer... Occasionally they move so fast it appears that I have 31. The 7 that look like roosters are also optical illusions.). I got my first egg from one of my 19 week old hens today. 120 quail eggs went into lock-down this afternoon. It's my first attempt at quail. By early next week I should have somewhere between 0 and 120 baby quail. Chicken brooder will be fine for a while but at the moment I only have 2 part built quail cages big enough for 12 - 15 birds each (hopefully I'll need a few more). Time to get off the computer and back to the work shop.
Hope everyone is well, talk to you soon.
count chickens.jpeg

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