Should i change to free range?

What about the goats? would they bother the chickens?
i wouldn't think ive seen chickens live around horses and cows and be fine, i even raise pigs and the chicks follow me down to the pig pens and they hop right in with them and i haven't had a problem, but i wouldn't tell anyone pigs and chickens get along well enough to let chickens roost in a pig pen , but a goat should be fine..
I also had my rooster attack me. He does what comes normally. protecting his hens. What I did was, when he attacked me, I grabbed ahold of him and held him down to the ground for about a minute with my hand. He finally gave up and just let me hold him there. Then I tapped on his head about a half dozen times with my finger. ( like roosters will do when fighting) and he has never attacked me again. (about 9 months now). He sometimes acts like he is going to attack me, then I move toward him and he walks away. Now he just walks up to me checking me out. 3 roosters are too many. It should be 1 rooster for every 10 hens.

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