Should I consider assisting here?


5 Years
Aug 17, 2014
Been like this for over 12 hrs. Temp is 100...humidity currently at 60. Membrane appears to be drying up some.

Hi :welcome is the chick still moving and trying to zip? If it is I would leave it longer it may be just resting hatching is hard work. Did it get to this point 12 hours ago and stop or has it been 12 hours since the first external pip?
Its coming up on 24 hrs since the external pip. A little movement every now and then, not as much as earlier.
FWIW, I could also see the expansion earlier as (I assume) the chick was breathing but that has quit too
Looking at your pic it looks to me like it has pipped at the wrong end of the egg. Would you say the pip first started at the fat end of the egg or the pointy end? It should be nearer the fat end. Is this your first hatch? There are some very good posts on here about assisted hatching I think you should read these first before deciding if u need to help. I have not had one pip wrong end before. Good luck and keep us posted.:fl
To me it also looks like it may have pipped at the wrong end. If it hasnt broken into the air sack it may not have additional area in which to move.

Please read my other post about never giving up. The following is just from my own single experience.

Im only a BEGINNER at this stuff, but I would carefully candle the egg to see if the air sack is at the other end. If this is the case I would assist by carefully breaking away the shell and then, making sure not to go through any veins, slowly remove some shell to allow it room to move. Note: I found out that chicks that don't have a chance to pip into the air sack, do not absorb the yolk as quickly so do not be alarmed if you see yellow yolk. Just leave the chick in the shell in the incubator, If its alive, and wrap it lightly in damp paper towel with beak exposed and give it time to get used to breathing air and when it begins more movement or cheeping you may need to give it further assistance. I wet my paper towel and changed it every hr or so for nearly 24 hrs before my "breach" chick was ready to hatch. Don't worry if its lethargic afterwards or "floppy". As long as its getting air it has a chance. Just give it time.

Best of luck if you decide to assist.
Wife went home and decided to help it out, but by that point the chick was dead. Not sure what position she found it inside the egg since I wasn't there, but she did say it looked like the chick pipped the wrong end probably ended up suffocating. Oh well. Looks like we will have two chicks to start our flock - I can live with that.

Thanks for your insight folks.
Sorry about your chick these things just happen and is all part of hatching. I find the decision making about if too intervene or not very hard. Good luck with your two new chicks and any future hatching.:frow

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