Should I COOK her? Need your thoughts.......

Good choice.

I think if they are internal layers, they will need surgery...? But don't give up on her! Even if our hens never layed, we love them too much and would keep them anyway. Who knows? Maybe your hen will not be a great layer, but will be a great mother!
Maybe she is showing signs of broodiness and you could put some eggs from another chicken for her to hatch. That way she won't feel left out!
and also, did you know that broody hens stop laying? I think she may be going broody, so you should put some eggs under her, see how that works.
Well, she was in the nest again this morning and she is still holding true to form....NO EGG!

Thanks Gindee! I'm going to give her a fighting chance to prove herself.

Seminole, gee, I keep them in the coop 24/7 and all of my other hens are laying perfectly....I receive 6-7 eggs a day out of 8 hens total. Of course one is not laying yet so, let's see, that would be almost 100% production rate for the hens that are laying. I would say that pretty good for hens that don't get out much
They are spoiled rotten with everything they could possible want despite not being able to come out. Oh and it's Oct here is FL, and the temps where I am have been in the 80s daily and 69-71 at night...ummmm, that's not hot!

77, I don't think she is going broody being that she only goes in the box for an hour or so at a time and doesn't return to the nest the rest of the day. She doesn't fit the criteria from what I have read about "hens that go broody"...unless I missed something? Don't broody hens stay in the nest all day and night except to eat and drink? She is not doing that.

We'll see what happens...the Rhodee saga continues....She will be 9 mths old on Oct 22nd.
i am fortinute enough to live on a dairy farm and i guess you could say i get my feed for "free" (we go out in the field and then make our owne feed.) And i love my chickens sooooo much i couldnt possibly eat them. its up to you

No need for that, Coon. No need.

No, I agree with coon.
That sweet and sour chicken looks good.
If a hen isn't producing no reason wasting money and feed on her.
You gave her a wonderful life, if you process her that's your decision.
Good luck in whatever decision you make.
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you all do whatever you want to,but pullets that reach maturity this late in the year often wait until Spring to lay. I had some EEs that every year,like clockwork,would stop laying around the end of October and not an egg did their bodies produce until sometime in february. It was worth the down time because when they laid,the eggs were HUGE! I'm thinking your hens are just victims of the changing seasons.
I have read that SOME RIR and NOT good egg layers.


It is not unknown for some strains now to be barely capable of 100 eggs a year which is paltry compared to the good old days when birds routinely laid 250 plus and good ones could get up to 300 a year. There are very very few strains of the latter sort of Rhode Island left - most are somewhere in the middle - laying around 150 - 200 eggs a year which is disappointing.


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