Should I deworm - new string!


13 Years
May 12, 2011
I know there are huge strings on pros and cons on deworming, but they are really old, so I thought I could start a new one.
I just had a necropsy done on a hen as two died in a week and I wanted to know what was going on. She probably died from internal laying as she was completely plugged up.

However, part of the report was on Fecal Floatation (Qualitative) and it said the following:

Specimen Isolate/Ova Result EPG
Feces - Red Sexed Linked; Ascaris; POSITIVE 600
Feces - Red Sexed Linked; Capillaria; POSITIVE 350

Does this mean I should deworm the remaining flock (there are only 3 of them). And again, what is the best way? Something I give directly to the hen would be preferable to adding to their feed or water. They completely free-range, although I can lock them in their run for a day if necessary.

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Ascarids are round worms, and the most common of chicken worms. Capillary worms are more rare, harmful, and difficult to treat, and can cause blood in the droppings. Get some SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer, and give your chickens 1/4 ml per pound of weight, orally, for 5 consecutive days. Remove droppings, keep bedding clean and dry, and let them range on clean grass. I would check another fecal sample in a couple of months.

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