Should I feed outside?


5 Years
May 19, 2016
I have 31 chickens who are 7 weeks old. They have just been exposed to the fenced in yard for about 2 weeks. The door to the yard is open every day, but they are very reluctant to go outside of the coop. What should/could I do to help them enjoy the outdoors, or is it too soon? Should I put their feed and water outside?
I feed inside my coop/ run combination, and found that NO FOOD outside cuts down on visiting 'varmits', especially at night. In summer I have water both inside and outside, and in winter, only indoors on the heaters.
Your coop and covered run need to be large enough for possibly weeks indoors, because of predator visits, and snow in winter. I got over trying to shovel snow out of the run!
Close confinement leads to bad behaviors.
So my girls have had access to outside (fenced in) for two weeks. They seem to prefer to stay indoors, though, and I have to 'shoo' them outside to get some sunshine. Yesterday I put the feed outside, and also an extra waterer. They are still hanging out indoors and I am worried that they will not get enough to eat. When I do get them outside, a couple of them have gone to the feeder and waterer, but don't eat much. Should I be worried?
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Have food and water in both locations for now. You can make a trail of food to their feeder so it's easier to find. I feed in the coop and covered run, not outside where they free range.

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