Should I get a used chicken coop?


In the Brooder
Jul 29, 2017
First, I'd like to say hi because I am new to this website!
There is a nice coop for sale on Craigslist and the lady selling says she had used it for 2 years. I am just wondering if it is a safe option to buy a used chicken coop because of possible mites or disease.

Thank you!
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Well you could probably scrub it out w white vinegar, or mild bleach solution or just hot soapy water or all of the above.
I'd take a look for sure, and find out what happened to the chickens that used to live in it.
You'll be able to clean it out. If the dog tore thru the wire (this happened to 2 people I know) then you will want to replace it w heavier mesh. Factor that into the cost. Chicken wire is too flimsy....
I wouldn't even bother asking. If they had mites, a random stranger might not give an honest answer. You will want to treat the coop regardless. Just determine if it is worth the extra effort to you to buy and treat the used coop.

Edit: SueT is correct about chicken wire. It is good for keeping chickens in, but not keeping predators out. You should look into using hardware cloth (1/2" mesh) which is much more effective. Factor that into your buy decision.
I wouldn't even bother asking. If they had mites, a random stranger might not give an honest answer. You will want to treat the coop regardless. Just determine if it is worth the extra effort to you to buy and treat the used coop.
Edit: SueT is correct about chicken wire. It is good for keeping chickens in, but not keeping predators out. You would want to look into using hardware cloth (1/2" mesh) which is much more effective. Factor that into your buy decision.

So, what would be best to clean it?
I would just hose it down, and wipe with white vinegar. White vinegar is a disinfectant. I think bleach may be better, but I'd want to really hose it well after that. Just see how clean it looks and go from there...
If the chickens had something really horrible and contagious (like Marek's or Coccidiosis) you would want to use a really good agricultural disinfectant like Virkon S.
Personally, I wouldn't buy a used coop. The possible grief wouldn't be worth the savings.
JMHO, sorry---I'm sure others have done it and everything turned out okay but I wouldn't do it.
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Would you post a link to the CL ad?
..and tell us a bit about your chicken goals?

Disease probably isn't as risky as the mites that may inhabit it.
I'd spray it down with permethrin, soaking all the cracks and crevices.
let it sit and spray again in 7-10 days before installing your birds.

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