Should i get ducks

ducks do need swimming water, no matter what people will tell you. they are waterfowl and are happy with daily swimming water, not just a bucket to dunk their heads
The answer is obvious. If you don't have the space (water isn't as necessary as people claim), then you can't add any new animals
ducks do need swimming water, no matter what people will tell you. they are waterfowl and are happy with daily swimming water, not just a bucket to dunk their heads
Mine did just fine for years with a bucket for head dunking and normal waterers. Granted maybe they would have been over the moon to have a pool, but they didn't need it.
If you want your ducks to be most happy, you'll have a place for them to swim, or at least play around in the water. It's what they love and what they're made for! Ducks are so much more effort than chickens, in my opinion, they've lots of needs and health issues. They need constant water changes, unlike chickens, and they make a huge mess of everything. If you don't have room you absolutely should not get ducks.
Yes make sure you have water for them that’s really really important, they need to at least be able to dunk their whole head in their water. But keep in mind that water will need to be changed every single day, it gets dirty as soon as your ducks take one sip from it. And trust me I found out the hard way! ;)

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