Should I Get More?


11 Years
Jul 7, 2008
Santa Fe, New Mexico
So obviously I want more chickens. I have nine, and they are wonderful! One group is 2 years old, the other is one. The first group were a little bossy and mean to the second group, and they still take the reins in the henhouse. All nine of my girls have been hens (Thank goodness!) And I really dont want to push my luck! I love the little fluffybottoms, and they are so much fun! I plan on making a new henhouse soon, anyway, but Im afraid that the more chickens I add, the less attention the big girls will get. I also foster kittens wuite often, and I would want to neglect my large cats, my kittens, or my big chickens. Any advice?
Are you kidding?
You have just asked hundreds of chickens addicts if you should get more? the answer is YES!!!
If you think you cna handle it and since you are asking I think you do want more. The other chickens will get used to the more hens in the house.
If you're asking...the answer is probably YES.

If you're not asking...the answer is also probably YES.

If anyone, anywhere, needs's more chickens. Just...just a few more...right? No harm in that, is there? A few more, then we'll be happy...haaaaapppyyyyy!!

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