Should I give my broody chicken fertile duck eggs?

Should I give my broody chicken duck eggs?

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Chicken Lover, Duck Therapist
6 Years
Mar 11, 2017
South Park, Colorado, USA
The title says it. My chicken has been broody for a week. She went broody 3-4 times last summer, so I know she’s serious about sitting. Pros? Cons? How many eggs do I give her? How many quitters are typical? I’d hate to have her sit a month and have nothing to show for it, but I really am not trying to grow my flock much larger, so I want to give her as few as possible to ensure success. If I have a bunch of eggs to choose from is there anything you look for that makes an eggs good vs. bad before you set it? Or do I just pick a few at random? Should I just break her? I do not own an incubator and will not purchase one. If she fails the eggs fail. If a duckling is raised by a broody chicken how long do you think it could live with the chickens before they might reject it and it needs to integrated with the duck flock? I have never hatched anything nor has this broody. She is about 2.5 years old (not sure if that matters).
Yes, do it! My broody chickens make good duck mothers. Anyone know what that thread is that has the picture of the silkie in the kiddie pool with her ducklings?
I'm with @Texas Kiki. I'd give her a half dozen eggs and see how it goes. Many, many years ago, I had a broody Nankin hen hatch and raise 8 baby mallards - out of abut 16 eggs we found randomly around the yard. There was never any problem with chickens - or ducks, for that matter - accepting the babies. They belonged to Henny Penny, and that was all they needed to know. She was a devoted mother ... until they discovered the baby pool. She went absolutely apoplectic the first time they went for a swim! She circled the pool, thrashing and screaming like a banshee. When they ignored her and started diving, she literally threw herself to to the ground and just lay here for several minutes. I swear, I thought she'd had a heart attack! As I was making my way to her, she got herself up and shook herself off. She then took a long look at the baby pool where "her" babies were cavorting ... and stalked away, never once looking back again. They'd been effectively - and successfully - disowned, and everybody did just fine!
Yes, do it! My broody chickens make good duck mothers. Anyone know what that thread is that has the picture of the silkie in the kiddie pool with her ducklings?

Definitely a Chicken Hen can hatch Duck eggs.
She will raise them till she weans them at her own set time. Best of luck.
@MagpieDucks has done this a couple of times.

I’m just thinking about how BIG ducklings get. Will she take care of them until they are fully feathered? I don’t want to have to put heat in the coop really, though I have done it in the past.
I’m just thinking about how BIG ducklings get. Will she take care of them until they are fully feathered? I don’t want to have to put heat in the coop really, though I have done it in the past.
They definitely harden off quickly and as long as you don't give her too many Ducklings to cover she will surprise you.
I’m just thinking about how BIG ducklings get. Will she take care of them until they are fully feathered? I don’t want to have to put heat in the coop really, though I have done it in the past.
It hasn't been a problem for me here in California. These guys just huddled together and did okay. The hen shown, she was a modern game, ducklings were Muscovy.

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